Our club consists of members from all over Oregon. We've been in existence since 1964, and recently celebrated our 50th anniversary. Several of our founding members still belong to the club and are still very actively involved in club activities. Membership continues to grow and we are welcoming new members every year. One important reason for our continued growth is our long standing relationship with Kendall AutoGroup, with Kendall Chevrolet being our primary sponsor. We have a variety of Corvettes in our club. They range from the early model years beginning in 1953 with the very first Corvette, the C1, to the latest iteration, the C7, coming on line in 2014. Our membership actively promotes and pursues the enjoyment of America's ONLY true sports car. We participate in many Corvette events throughout the year, and are particularly proud to host our own all Corvette Show 'n Shine, Corvettes in the Park, every other year. Corvettes in the Park will return in 2017. We are also proud to actively support and contribute to the National Corvette Museum in Bowling Green Kentucky, The Museum is just a short hop from the General Motors Corvette Assembly Plant, where the Corvette has been built exclusively since 1981. Many of our members happily await the opportunity to participate in the National Corvette Caravan. This event takes place every 5 years and is a gathering of Corvettes from literally all over the world. In 2014, 14 of our membership started in Eugene and caravaned across the country, ending at the National Corvette Museum along with about 6500 other Corvette owners. Our collective love and respect for the beautiful Corvettes we're fortunate to be able to drive every day gives us so many opportunities to have a whole bunch of fun, and the ability to do what we can to use our beautiful cars to assist those less fortunate than others makes it just that much more enjoyable.
Keywords: | cascade corvette club, eugene, oregon, oregon corvette club, oregon corvette clubs |
Meeting Information: | We meet every second Friday evening throughout the year, rain or shine, at the Emerald Peoples Utility District offices. Please see the map below for directions. We meet at 7:00 for a short business meeting, then usually caravan to a local restaurant for a group dinner. |
Facebook URL: | https://www.facebook.com/Cascade-Corvette-Club-193964093990430/ |