Chicagoland North Corvette Club

c/o Bill Stasek Chevrolet 700 W. Dundee
Wheeling, Illinois 60090 United States


Established in 2005, CNCC is a membership-based club of enthusiastic Corvette owners.  


The mission of The Chicagoland North Corvette Club is to celebrate the passion of Corvette ownership. We are a social club and promote friendship and camaraderie by participating in cruise nights, road trips, car shows, charitable events and dining together.


The club offers a variety of events, including car shows and cruise nights, day and weekend trips, and breakfast, lunch, and dinner get-togethers. Weekend parties (both vehicle and non-vehicle related), technical sessions (paint and body, mechanical topics, maintenance related issues, interior tips, etc.), and caravan road trips are also a part of the fun.

We meet on the last Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. (meet us for diner at 6:00 p.m.) at The Continental Restaurant at 788 S. Buffalo Grove Rd., Buffalo Grove, IL 60089.  It is near the intersection of Buffalo Grove Rd and Dundee Rd. There is a huge parking lot with plenty of discrete Corvette parking.


Meeting Information: We meet on the last Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. (meet us for diner at 6:00 p.m.) at The Continental Restaurant at 788 S. Buffalo Grove Rd., Buffalo Grove, IL 60089. It is near the intersection of Buffalo Grove Rd and Dundee Rd. There is a huge parking lot with plenty of discrete Corvette parking.
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