Circle City Corvettes

3574 Lake Oak Ridge Drive
Enterprise, Alabama 36330 United States


The Circle City Corvettes Corvette club was created for the promotion and enjoyment of the Chevrolet Corvette and the association with fellow Corvette Owners and enthusiasts.

Since its creation in 1978 the club has grown from a membership of 11 original members to currently with 100 plus active members and still growing.

Growth in the club has also allowed it to benefit the local communities, funds are donated to those in need as requested by club members submitting anapplication for donations. The Circle City Corvette Club has, through the years donated time and money to numerous local charities.


Keywords: circle city corvettes, dothan, alabama, enterprise, alabama corvette club, alabama corvette clubs
Meeting Information: Monthly meetings on the first Tuesday of the month at the Golden Corral Family Steakhouse Restaurant in Dothan, Alabama. Dinner at 6:00 and meeting at 7:00 to discuss club events, business and upcoming activities.
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