Cleveland Corvette Club

Cleveland, Tennessee United States


Welcome to the official website of the Cleveland Corvette Club located in Cleveland, TN. Please enjoy browsing the site. We have pictures of events that the club has been involved in and trips we have taken. On the member's page, you'll find pictures of many the members along with their cars. There are  event and calendar a page where you can learn about upcoming events and meetings.

We hope you'll take the time to visit our generous club sponsors listed in the Sponsors section of this site.

If you would like to make a comment or suggestion on the site or contact a member of the Cleveland Corvette Club plese go to the Contact Us Page and I will get back to you.

Check out the Events and Calendar page.  The Calandar Page has the whole year available.  Anyone with important dates or Events that they would like added, please use the Contact Us Page.


Keywords: cleveland corvette club, cleveland, tennessee, tennessee corvette club, tennessee corvette clubs, corvette club tennessee
Meeting Information: The Cleveland Corvette Club holds monthly meetings on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. The meeting is held at Jenkins Restaurant & Deli located at on Highway 60 on Spring Creek Blvd in Cleveland TN. The room is reserved from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. with the meeting starting at 7:00 p.m.
