Jacksonville Corvette Club

Jacksonville, Florida United States


The  Jacksonville  Corvette  Club  (JCC)  was  established  in  1975  as  a  social  club made up of Corvette Owners who share in the fun and excitement of driving and owning  a Corvette.  Currently  membership  exceeds  170  members.  The  purpose  of the  club  is  to  bring  together  people  interested  in  Corvettes,  to  provide  fellowship among Corvette owners, to promote civic and charitable activities, and to sponsor events among owners of Corvettes.


Keywords: Jacksonville Corvette Club, jacksonville, florida, florida corvette club, florida corvette clubs
Meeting Information: Eat/social 6-6:30pm, meeting starts at 7:00pm. We hope to see you all there. Meetings are on 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month. Contact any officer for location and times.
