A number of years ago, a group of car enthusiasts who shared the same interest in the CORVETTE organized a car club which was named the PORT CITY CORVETTES. This club operated for several years until interest waned or other reasons kept them from remaining an active club. Several years later, another group of Corvette owners began to revive the interest in a local Corvette club. We placed ads in local newspapers, placed posters in various locations and contacted all the local Corvette owners that we had met. We held our first official meeting in September of 1989. At this meeting, we elected our club's first slate of officers. The officers were: President, Ralph Pipkin; Vice President, Larry Owens; Secretary/ Treasurer, Marie Fenton; and NCCC Governor, Randy Aderholt. The club was incorporated on November 16, 1989, with the initial Board of Directors being William Harris, Randy Aderholt and Ralph Pipkin. The incorporators are William Harris and Ralph Pipkin. Our club was initially organized with eight members. Today, we have over fifty members including a variety of ages, interests and backgrounds. Our growth has been impressive over a relatively short time. Each year, we elect new officers and gain new members. With fresh ideas and the vigor that new members and new officers bring with them, we continue to grow our club. Port City Corvettes, Inc. has one designated activity each month and there are usually several other shared with other groups for members to participate in on an individual basis. These activities include drive and eat cruises, caravans, rallies, out of town trips, car shows, drag races, swap meets and cookouts. Member interest levels range from those who completely rebuild and restore their Corvettes to those who just enjoy driving and owning them. The club tries to provide something of interest to everyone. Port City Corvettes, Inc. is a non-profit organization with our proceeds going to a charity selected by the club each year.
Keywords: | port city corvettes, mobile, alabama, alabama corvette club, alabama corvette clubs |
Meeting Information: | We meet on the 3rd Monday of each month at Executive Plaza Office Building, Inc., 601 Bel Air Blvd., Mobile AL 36606 at 6:00 PM. |
Facebook URL: | https://www.facebook.com/Port-City-Corvette-Club-141088686564918/ |