River City Corvette Club

P.O. Box 1061
Hixson, Tennessee 37343 United States


 It is very easy to join the River City Corvette Club of Chattanooga, Tennessee.

You can attend a regular monthly meeting at O'Charley's on Hixson Pike on the third Thursday of each month at 6:00 pm to eat 7pm meeting January through November or join us at the Hwy 153 DQ in Hixson every Monday night at 6pm.


Keywords: river city corvette club, chattanooga, tennessee, tennessee corvette club, tennessee corvette clubs
Meeting Information: You can attend a regular monthly meeting at O'Charley's on Hixson Pike
on the third Thursday of each month at 6:00 pm to eat 7pm meeting
January through November or join us at the Hwy 153 DQ in Hixson every
Monday night at 6pm or print and mail an application to our PO Box.
RCCC recognize all Corvettes as classic's and welcome Corvette owners
of any year to become a member of the best Corvette club around.

We have several members that have C1, C2 & C3 corvettes!

Contact us today and start living the Dream. "Save the Wave!"
Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/rivercity.corvetteclub
