Southeastern Wisconsin Corvette Club

Salem, Wisconsin United States


The Main objective of Southeastern Wisconsin Corvette Club is FUN!

We get together often as a group to talk about our cars, any problems that someone may be having with their car and then find someone within the group who has the knowledge or background to help solve the problem. The only requirement to join our club is to appreciate and enjoy Corvettes, No one is required to own a Corvette. We hold an Annual Corvette/Chevy Show to raise money for local charities such as The Shalom Center in Kenosha, The Love & Charity Mission in Racine, The Salvation Army, American Cancer Society as well as Spina Bifida.


We enjoy a very wide range of activities. A Bowling Party in February followed by a Membership Party around St. Patrick's Day. A group will head down to McCormick Place in March to spend a day at Chevy/Vette Fest. April will usually have an early Spring "dust your car off" Vette Run which typically takes us on a ride through Kenosha/Racine Counties. Once again in May someone volunteers to put together another Saturday or Sunday ride. Coming into June we get busy - the weather is getting nice and we get antsy. The 3rd weekend is our pre-Bloomington party, the last weekend is our "pilgrimage" to Bloomington. July usually has a 4th of July picnic followed the next weekend by the Bristol Progress Days Parade-what better why to show off your Corvette than to be in a parade! Another run or rally is usually around the corner as we are also very busy preparing for "Our" show. August brings us to our Show on the 3rd Sunday, anticipating 150+ cars, yes, it's a great day! Again more lake runs through the beautiful Kenosha County Lakes. The end of September is the American Cancer Poker Run, which is always a good time and a very worthwhile cause. Into fall we go, usually we have a fall colors run into Racine County for a last look at the gorgeous fall colors and a near final outing in the vettes. Into November there is usually a car show to attend and that leads us into a Christmas Party in December....I believe this should be enough to keep almost everyone busy.


Keywords: southeastern wisconsin corvette club, wisconsin corvette club, wisconsin corvette clubs
Meeting Information: We hold meetings the first Sunday of every month at different locations, so check this page each month for updates.

Meetings are open to all members and perspective members.
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