Suburban Corvettes of Minnesota

Vadnais Heights, Minnesota 55127 United States


Suburban Corvettes of Minnesota Club was established in January, 1970, led by a group of friends who were looking to get together for some social activities involving Corvettes.

The original club consisted of 12 members, and has grown to over 200 members. In 1976, SCM joined the National Council of Corvette Clubs. In 2005 the club hosted the NCCC annual convention in the Twin Cities and Brainerd.

SCM contributes to several charities, the largest being Spina Bifida for the past 25 years. The club has also done special fundraisers for Cancer, Caring and Sharing Hands, and food shelf drives.

The membership is active in car shows, cruises, and charitable and social events that includes travel throughout Minnesota and Wisconsin.

We encourage you to join us on facebook, and attend a meeting, which is held the 3rd Tuesday of each month at Jimmy’s Food & Drink, 1132 East County Rd. E in Vadnais Heights.


The purpose of the Suburban Corvettes of Minnesota club shall be the maintenance of the highest standard of courtesy and safety on the road; the enjoyment and sharing of the goodwill and fellowship engendered by owning a Chevrolet Corvette engaging in the social activities and competitive events and encouraging favorable interest in the club and the Corvette; the maintenance of the highest standards of operation and performance of the Marque by sharing and exchanging technical and mechanical information; the establishment and maintenance of mutually beneficial relations with manufactures, dealers and service course to the end that Marque will prosper and enjoy continuity and prominence; to have, exercise, and enjoy all the powers and purposes which may be exercised by a non-profit organization.


Keywords: Suburban Corvettes of Minnesota, minnesota, minnesota corvette club, minnesota corvette clubs
Meeting Information: Suburban Corvettes of Minnesota, Inc. meets the third Tuesday of every month at 7:30 pm at Jimmy’s in Vadnais Heights. Interested owners of Corvettes are welcome to attend meetings and/or club functions to learn more about our club. Convenient parking is available on Labore Road; meetings take place at the conference center.
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