Volusia County Corvette Association

PO Box 2004
DeLand, Florida 32721 United States


Based in Deland Florida, we welcome all types of Corvettes in every condition. Show cars, daily drivers, weekenders, andeven that project car in the back of the garage is welcomed to our club.

Founded in February 2010, our club is on track to be a very active club. We have membership meetings twice a month on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month (Check the Calendar for the date place and time, also check out our sponsors as we like to Support All Our Sponsors). Meeting times start at 6:30pm and usually last about 1-1/2 to 2 hours long. Each month we try to schedule some type of event for our members to participate in. Check the calendar for this months events.

The club members are very active during the season attending many car shows, charities fund raisers, cruises, and much more. Volusia County Corvette Association will host a number of events starting in the spring and ending in the fall. We also enjoy participating in many events organized by other Corvette Clubs.

Volusia County Corvette Association is intended to be a non-profit organization focusing on contributing to charitable organizations. Additionally the club encourages planned trips, events, and social activities for club members. We provide and regulate events and exhibitions for Corvette owners, and promote positive and responsible driving habits, most of the time.


Keywords: Volusia County Corvette Association, Deland, florida, florida corvette club, florida corvette clubs
Meeting Information: We have membership meetings twice a month on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month (Check the Calendar for the date place and time, also check out our sponsors as we like to Support All Our Sponsors). Meeting times start at 6:30pm and usually last about 1-1/2 to 2 hours long.
Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/VolusiaCountyCorvetteAssociation

