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1963 - 1967 Corvette: Technical Article: Radiator Replacement

Estimated Reading Time: 1 Minutes

By John Hinckley, Corvette Enthusiast Magazine
Used here with permission.
Copyright John Hinckley, Corvette Enthusiast Magazine

The objective of this article is to take you through a radiator replacement and to share some tips and techniques that will simplify the job and ensure a reliable and leak-free installation. The car in the photos is a ‘67 327/300 with a relatively new “look-alike” copper/brass replacement radiator which was designed to look like the original Harrison aluminum radiator, but had far less cooling capacity. Diagnostics and I.R. gun studies verified that the engine was running at 195°-200° at freeway speeds, and would creep up to 210°-220° in slow traffic on an 85° day, with correct shrouding and a new fan clutch.

The 5-page PDF article is linked below:

1963 - 1967 Corvette: Technical Article: Radiator Replacement
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  • c2_radiator.pdf (1.1 MB) 1740
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