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2015 - 2018 Corvette Z06: Special Coverage Adjustment - N202302720 On Track Performance Engine Overheating

Estimated Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Release Date:  January 2021

Revision Description: This bulletin has been revised to remove the intake manifold part numbers from the part tables and expand the acceptable evidence to include prior documented complaints of overheating or a track receipt. Please discard all copies of N202302720.

Condition:  Certain 2015-2018 model year Chevrolet Corvette Z06 vehicles may have a condition where the vehicle may overheat and enter a reduced power mode when driven on a track at sustained high speeds in high ambient temperatures.

Special Coverage Adjustment: This special coverage covers the condition described above for a period of 7 years or 72,000 miles (116,000 km), whichever occurs first, from the date the vehicle was originally placed in service, regardless of ownership.
For vehicles covered by Vehicle Service Contracts, all eligible claims with repair orders on or after December 17, 2020, are covered by this special coverage and must be submitted using the labor operation codes provided with this bulletin. Claims with repair orders prior to December 17, 2020, must be submitted to the Service Contract provider.

Vehicle owners or lessees who paid for repairs referenced in this Special Coverage (“Customers”) are eligible for reimbursement of their reasonable and customary expenses in accordance with the procedures specified below. The conditional right to reimbursement is provided by GM solely in the interest of customer satisfaction and is personal to Customers. Customers may not assign and GM does not consent to any assignment of any Customer’s right to submit reimbursement claims, or to receive reimbursement, or any other rights granted by this Special Coverage to any third party, including but not limited to service contract providers, and this Special Coverage is not intended to and does not confer any third party beneficiary, subrogation or contribution rights, or any other rights to reimbursement, against GM, whether in law, equity or otherwise, on any third parties

Correction: Dealers are to install an updated radiator package and, for automatic transmission vehicles, updated shift-point calibration software. The repairs will be made at no charge to the customer. The customer must provide evidence of an overheating condition in the form of one of the following: Diagnostic Trouble Code, photos, videos, documented complaints of overheating prior to the special coverage, or a track receipt. The dealer should make a copy of any customer evidence provided and file with the warranty claim.

Complete document is attached below in PDF format.

2015 - 2018 Corvette Z06: Special Coverage Adjustment - N202302720 On Track Performance Engine Overheating
  • Attached Files
  • n202302720 01 bulletin.pdf (329.53 KB) 411
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