1960 - 1961 Corvette: Service Bulletin: Delco Radio Service Parts

Below is a copy of a Delco Radio Service Bulletin dated 11-28-1960 showing all of the changes between the 1960 Corvette radio and the 1961 Corvette radio with their replaced part numbers.  The only "new" parts on the 1961 Corvette are shown with an asterisk.

1960 - 1961 Corvette Radio Part Numbers

1960 - 1961 Corvette Radio Part Numbers

Article ID: 1041
Created: December 18, 2014
Last Updated: December 18, 2014
Author: Rob Loszewski

Online URL: https://www.corvetteactioncenter.com/tech/knowledgebase/article/1960-1961-corvette-service-bulletin-delco-radio-service-parts-1041.html