Subject: Thawing Frozen Door Locks and Preventing Future Freezing
Model and Year: 1976 - 1977 Passenger Models
Source: Chevrolet Dealer Service Technical Bulletin
Bulletin No: 77-T-58
Section: I
Date: Dec., 1977
This bulletin is being reissued to correct bulletin number from 77-I-63 to 77-T-58. Please destroy previous copies of bulletin 77-I-63 with subject indicated above.
A temporary condition may exist on some of the above models as a result of washing the vehicles in extremely cold weather (near or below 0° F) whereby it could be difficult to unlock the front doors; or if opened and equipped with electric door locks, it may be difficult to latch beyond the secondary latch position.
If experienced, the following procedure applied to the door lock system (after opening and thawing) should prevent recurrence of the subject condition.
Recommend .3 hour to make slurry and lubricate parts. Use published times for door lock and/or actuator R & R.
Article ID: 1083
Created: January 8, 2015
Last Updated: January 8, 2015
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