1971 Corvette: Service Bulletin: Air Conditioning Equipped Vehicles

Subject:   Air Conditioning Equipped Vehicles
Model and Year:   1971 Air Conditioning Equipped Vehicles
Source:  Chevrolet Service Bulletin  - Zone #42 - Seattle, Washington
Bulletin No:   SER-71-41
Zone:    #42 - Seattle, Wash.
Date:   June 25, 1971



This is to advise that vehicles with current production air conditioning may be minus the water shut off valve and vacuum reserve tank.  There will also be related changes in wiring to accommodate the new system.  This will be a production change to take place in the near future.

The above is for your information so you will be aware of the change and not consider it a shortage item.

W.A. Schultz
Zone Service Manager

Article ID: 1172
Created: February 9, 2015
Last Updated: February 9, 2015

Online URL: https://www.corvetteactioncenter.com/tech/knowledgebase/article/1971-corvette-service-bulletin-air-conditioning-equipped-vehicles-1172.html