1968 Corvette: Chevrolet Service News: 1968 Corvette Hood & Hood Lock Adjustment

Subject:    Hood & Hood Lock Adjustment
Model and Year:   1968 Corvette
Source:  Chevrolet Service News
Page Number:   3
Date:  August 1968

Outlined below are procedures covering proper adjustment of 1968 Corvette hood and lock assemblies.  These procedures supersede those presently published in Section 1B of the 1968 Passenger Car Chassis Service Manual covering the same subject (reference pages 1B-1 and 1B-2).

Hood and Hood Lock Adjustment

1.  Align hood in relation to opening and fenders.  An approximate gap of 1/8 of an inch should exist between the hood and adjacent body.  Fore and aft adjustment is accomplished using the slotted holes in lower portion of the hinge strap.  The upper surface of the hood should, of course, be as nearly flush with adjacent surfaces as possible.  The forward portion of the hood is adjusted to a flush position by the addition of shims under the hinges (see Fig. 2 in Manual).  The rear portion of the hood is adjusted through the catch bolts.  Do not make adjustment of the rear portion of the hood at this point until the lock assemblies have been aligned (see Step 2).

1968 Corvette Hood and Hood Lock Adjustment  

Article ID: 1239
Created: August 20, 2015
Last Updated: August 20, 2015
Author: Rob Loszewski

Online URL: https://www.corvetteactioncenter.com/tech/knowledgebase/article/1968-corvette-chevrolet-service-news-1968-corvette-hood-hood-lock-adjustment-1239.html