1963 Corvette: Service News: Hydraulic Steering Hose Interference

Model Year: 1963
Subject: 1963 Corvette Hydraulic Steering Hose Interference
Source: Chevrolet Service News
Number: Volume 34, Number 11, Page 2.
Date: December, 1962

On early production 1963 model Corvette vehicles, interference, in some cases, may be encountered between the hydraulic steering control valve power cylinder hoses and the hydraulic steering cylinder frame bracket. This would occur when the wheels are moved into a full right turn. If this condition is experienced, the hose pipes at the control valve should be bent to provide clearance and then strapped with three Part No. 3750535 Retainers as shown in Figure 1.

1963 Corvette Hydraulic Steering Hose Interference

Article ID: 745
Created: August 2, 2014
Last Updated: September 29, 2014
Author: Rob Loszewski

Online URL: https://www.corvetteactioncenter.com/tech/knowledgebase/article/1963-corvette-service-news-hydraulic-steering-hose-interference-745.html