1964 Corvette: Service News: Repairing Carpet Damage
Subject: Repairing Carpet Damage
Model and Year: 1964 Corvette
Source: Chevrolet Service News
Page Number: 1
Date: February, 1964, Number 2, Volume 36
If a small portion of a front or rear floor carpet has been damaged (unraveled, burned, etc.), the carpet may be repaired as follows:
- Using a sharp knife or other suitable tool, cut out the damaged section of carpet pile, leaving only the jute foundation pad (Fig. 1).
- Cut a piece of burlap webbing to size that will extend approximately 1/2" to 3/4" beyond perimeter of area being repaired. NOTE: Convertible top side roof rail stay pad burlap webbing is recommended for this repair.
- Using a trim regulator, or similar flat-bladed tool, loosen jute foundation pad from the carpet backing (1/2" to 3/4") around perimeter of repair area.
- Apply a neoprene type weatherstrip adhesive to the jute pad in repair cavity.
- Install the burlap webbing over the pad using a trim regulator to stuff and smooth edge of patch.
- From a concealed place such as under the front seat, remove a section of carpet of sufficient size to repair damaged area.
- Trim carpet, being used as patch, to exact size of area to be repaired.
- Apply neoprene type weatherstrip adhesive to burlap webbing and to underside of carpet patch.
- Insert carpet patch in repair cavity and firmly press patch into place to insure a satisfactory bond. Clean off any traces of weatherstrip adhesive.
- When repair area has thoroughly dried, use a whisk broom or stiff bristle brush to blend patch with the surrounding carpet.

Article ID: 896
Created: September 16, 2014
Last Updated: September 16, 2014
Online URL: https://www.corvetteactioncenter.com/tech/knowledgebase/article/1964-corvette-service-news-repairing-carpet-damage-896.html