1964 Corvette: Service Bulletin: VIN Plate Stamping of Delivery Date to Original Owner

Subject:   VIN Plate Stamping of Delivery Date to Original Owner
Model and Year:   1964 Corvette
Source:   Louisville Chevrolet Zone Service Bulletin
Bulletin No:  22-59
Zone:   #22 Louisville
Date:  May 20, 1964



It has come to our attention that some owners are experiencing difficulty in securing warranty services from other than the selling dealer due to the delivery date not having been stamped on the vehicle Serial Number Plate.  it is possible that this slight oversight on the part of the delivering dealer’s personnel could seriously harm our owner-dealer relations effort.

As outlined on the GSD-99 form, the procedure specifies that the delivery date be stamped on the Serial Number Plate.  A photograph of the proper location of the date has been included in the Policies and Procedures manual and is shown on Page 48.

We ask that you encourage all of your personnel to properly follow through on their part of this important procedure, feeling confident that this action will assure the proper courtesies being extended to their and your customers should the occasion arise for the need of warranty services away from "home".  Your service floor personnel can perform an appreciated services to Chevrolet owners by checking each 1963 and 1964 vehicle serviced and affixing the date should it be missing.

Will you please give this important procedure your personal attention and support in your dealership.

Very truly yours,

J. H. Pike
Zone Manager


Article ID: 970
Created: October 23, 2014
Last Updated: October 23, 2014
Author: Rob Loszewski

Online URL: https://www.corvetteactioncenter.com/tech/knowledgebase/article/1964-corvette-service-bulletin-vin-plate-stamping-of-delivery-date-to-original-owner-970.html