1982 Corvette: Service News: Fuel injection Diagnosis Chart Revision

1982 Corvette production ended on October 12, 1982.  The information below was issued in the Spring of 1983 and is not in any of the original shop manuals for the 1982 Corvette model year.

Subject: Fuel injection Diagnosis Chart Revision
Model and Year: 1982 Citation / Celebrity, Camaro and Corvette Shop Manuals
Source: Chevrolet Service News
Page Number:   March-April 1983 - Volume 55, Issue Number 2
Date: NA

The  chart in Figure 2 has been revised and is being provided to update the following 1982 shop manuals:

1982 Corvette Fuel Injection Diagnosis Chart Revision  

Article ID: 844
Created: August 12, 2014
Last Updated: August 12, 2014
Author: Rob Loszewski

Online URL: https://www.corvetteactioncenter.com/tech/knowledgebase/article/1982-corvette-service-news-fuel-injection-diagnosis-chart-revision-844.html