Technical Article: Problems I have Seen with Commercially Rebuilt Q-Jets

Problems I have Seen with Commercially Rebuilt Q-Jets

by Lars Grimsrud
©2010 Lars Grimsrud.
This article may not be published or distributed without the written permission of the author

Rev. D 10-2-10

As the Q-Jet carbs keep getting older, fewer and fewer are original carbs that have not been tampered with or altered.  Rebuilding a Q-Jet is becoming a significant problem for the novice, because the carbs cannot be simply bolted together the way they came apart:  The carbs have been altered, and these alterations must be identified and corrected before the carb will run as it was designed to do.

See attachment below:

Article ID: 88
Created: July 4, 2014
Last Updated: July 4, 2014
Author: Rob Loszewski

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