Home C6 Corvette News Here’s How Not to Attract the Police in a Corvette!

Here’s How Not to Attract the Police in a Corvette!

by Bradan DonaldsonBradan Donaldson
Officers find 2 asleep in galaxy-painted Corvette with engine running

If you’re going to run drugs and firearms in a Corvette, don’t paint the car like a rainbow colored galaxy!

Earlier this morning the Evansville, Indiana police department received a 911 call from someone reporting that a Corvette was being driven recklessly at a high rate of speed.  The caller described the car as “looking like a galaxy”.

The police finally located the… subtle C6 Corvette convertible parked at a light with the engine running and both driver and passenger counting sheep.  Upon further investigation, the officers found an assortment of drugs and a loaded gun in the car.

Officers find 2 asleep in galaxy-painted Corvette with engine runningThe two were arrested and brought to jail while the Corvette galaxy has been impounded.

Moral of the story, if you’re going to run drugs and guns in a Corvette – maybe consider a black Corvette?  Just saying…

If the county ends up auctioning off this work of art, I wonder who’s going to be brave enough to buy it! LOL

Source: 14 News

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1 comment

Chris September 3, 2021 - 4:20 pm

I would love to win the car!

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