Home C7 Corvette News C7 Z06 Corvette Owner Goes a Little “Overboard”!

C7 Z06 Corvette Owner Goes a Little “Overboard”!

by Rob LoszewskiRob Loszewski
C7 Z06 Corvette Owner Goes a Little "Overboard"!

It’s always fun to see what interesting things you can find on social media, and this morning, Facebook did not disappoint!

Although we have no background story on these photos, apparently the owner of this C7 Corvette Z06 convertible, needed to get some lumber home from a Home Depot and decided to make full use of his Corvette.

The photos have been making the rounds on Facebook in various Corvette related groups and individual posts and some of the comments are hysterical:

“You can afford a Vette you also can afford delivery service”

“After seeing this it reminded me of when I had my 91 coupe and brought home a dozen 2x4s and 4 bags of concrete from Home Depot in it…LOL”

“Straight up stupid. Money can buy you a bad ass Vette but NOT Common Sense!”

“If you can afford a corvette you can pay 30 dollars for their rental truck”

“News flash. Corvette 10s of thousands of dollars….U haul truck 19.95 a day”

Things that make you go “hmmm…”

C7 Z06 Corvette Owner Goes a Little "Overboard"!

C7 Z06 Corvette Owner Goes a Little "Overboard"!

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