GM is now placing structural components of the C8 Corvette on restriction in order to ensure proper repairs are done by authorized repair shops
GM is now taking steps to ensure that structural repairs of the C8 Corvette are completed by capable repair shops with the proper training, tools, and equipment.
The document sent to dealers details how Collision Repair Centers that have been identified as having the capabilities to perform structural repairs to the C8 and are on the GM Collision Repair Network (CRN) or the Cadillac Aluminum Repair Network (CARN) will be the only repair shops permitted to receive the restricted structural parts from a GM Dealer.
Corvette C8 Structural Parts Restriction
GM is taking steps to ensure that structural repairs of the Corvette C8 are completed by capable repairers with the proper training, tools, and equipment. Collision repair centers that have been identified as having the capability to perform structural repairs to the C8 and are on the GM Collision Repair Network (CRN) or the Cadillac Aluminum Repair Network (CARN) will be the only shops permitted to receive the restricted structural part numbers from a GM dealer. The majority of the structural frame components for the C8 Corvette will be put on parts restriction. The following images show the components of the frame assembly that will be on parts restriction. A sample list of part categories is shown below.
Structural collision parts for the C8 Corvette require a special ordering process. Due to the advanced materials, the unique joining methods used to create the C8, and the need for a fixture bench during a structural repair, only body shops authorized to complete structural repairs can place orders for structural parts.
GM Collision Repair Network
The GM Collision Repair Network incorporates performance measurements on pre- and post-repair scans, usage of OEM repair procedures, completion of recalibrations and quality-control checks.
The GM Collision Repair Network is designed to provide tools to assist in the delivery of a positive experience for those GM vehicle owners who require collision repair services. All participating facilities adhere to these core program values:
For most structural repairs made to the Corvette C8, a fixture bench is required and will be noted as such within the GM repair procedures. Repairers that do not have a fixture bench should redirect the vehicle to a CRN facility that meets this qualification.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is GM putting parts restriction on these parts? The Corvette C8 contains a highly advanced, aluminum, mixed-material frame system, unlike other GM vehicles. To help ensure the safety and integrity of the vehicle, as well as high customer satisfaction, following a collision repair, this vehicle should only be repaired by vetted collision centers, having the proper training, tools and equipment.
How does a dealer order restricted C8 structural parts? See above workflow diagram on how to order restricted structural parts. (Omitted)
Can any dealer order these parts for a CARN or CRN approved facility? Yes.
Are cosmetic parts (fascia, doors, lighting, etc.) also restricted? No, cosmetic parts can be ordered and used by any collision repair shop.
Is a fixture bench required to do most structural repairs? Yes.
Restricted Parts Sample List. Please note that part numbers may change, and parts may be added to this list.
Source: Chevrolet