[UPDATED] Ruthless Pursuit of Power: The Mystique of the C6 Corvette LS7 Engine

CAC Technical Editor, Hib Halverson, has completed a significant update of sections of the series covering the controversy surrounding LS7 valve guide wear.

CAC Technical Editor, Hib Halverson, has completed a significant update of sections of the series covering the controversy surrounding LS7 valve guide wear.

by Hib Halverson

The third edition of the Corvette Action Center’s comprehensive series of articles on the LS7 engine has just been posted. CAC Technical Editor, Hib Halverson, has completed a significant update of sections of the series covering the controversy surrounding LS7 valve guide wear. Based on research the CAC did in 2015, Halverson both rewrote some of the existing coverage of the guide wear problem and added additional new material about that issue. Halverson explains the problem, covers its diagnosis, discusses solutions, describes GM service bulletins and warranty coverage and reports on the class action lawsuit against GM over LS7 guide wear. In addition, the LS7 article series’ third edition discusses newly uncovered details about the engine’s development.

The Corvette Action Center’s series of LS7 articles, originally posted in 2012, revised in 2014 and again in 2016, is the best-researched and most detailed information about the LS7 engine on the Web. Even employees of the Communications Department at the General Motors Powertrain Division refer inquiries about the LS7 engine to the CAC’s series of articles.

Ruthless Pursuit of Power: The Mystique of the C6 Corvette LS7 Engine >>>

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1 comment

uncle vito April 4, 2021 - 3:54 pm
Good story. I do not understand why anyone would want an LS7 with this problem. Is just gonna be a heart ache and destroy the resale value of this car
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