Home Misc. Corvette News 1965 Corvette stolen in Birmingham during Woodward Dream Cruise

1965 Corvette stolen in Birmingham during Woodward Dream Cruise

by Rob LoszewskiRob Loszewski
The 1965 Corvette Stingray belonging to a Rochester Hills couple is presumed stolen after Saturday’s Woodward Dream Cruise. Photo submitted by Arlene and Gordon Ondrisek

By Paul Kampe
Macomb Daily

Gordon Ondrisek of Rochester Hills was thrilled to find a parking spot along Willits and North Old Woodward in Birmingham at the end of Saturday’s Woodward Dream Cruise.

Ondrisek and his wife, Arlene, met friends for dinner at the nearby Pita Cafe around 6:15 p.m. When they left the restaurant little more than an hour later, their classic, light blue, 1965 Corvette Stingray convertible was gone.

“I was lucky to get a spot at all,” Ondrisek said. “I would’ve been better off not getting (one).

“Apparently, no place is safe.”

The Ondriseks have attended most of the annual Dream Cruises, parking in Birmingham without issue.

The couple’s home of 25 years is filled with reminders of the car they kept in “near perfect condition,” including a first-place trophy from the 2002 Carnival of Cars in downtown Rochester, Gordon Ondrisek said.

“I’ve been nauseous all weekend,” Arlene Ondrisek said. “I know it’s a material thing, but it becomes a part of you.

Full Story: Rochester Hills couple ‘nauseous’ after 1965 Corvette was stolen in Birmingham during Woodward Dream Cruise

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