Bowling Green Welcomes Corvette Homecoming Visitors

Bowling Green Welcomes Corvette Homecoming Visitors

Bowling Green Welcomes Corvette Homecoming Visitors

By: Kayla Vanover

BOWLING GREEN, Ky (WBKO) — With motor sports on the rise in Bowling Green, it is only natural for excitement this time of year, as the Corvette Homecoming makes its way back to South Central Kentucky.

“You look at these folks with these shiny Corvettes and they’ve got a little bit of money to spend,” said Corey Ramsey.

Corvette Homecoming invites Corvette enthusiasts, from all over the nation, to come back home and fellowship with those who share a similar passion.

This celebration also brings a huge economic advantage to the city of Bowling Green.

“They’re going to buy. They’re going to shop. They’re going to eat. They’re going to stay. They’re going to spend money. They’re proud of these things. These are their babies. They are just like kids. They’re driving them up here and they’re showing them off,” said Corey Ramsey.

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