North Coast Vettes Corvette club of Carlsbad, California raised $33,000 to help U.S. service members in lieu of holding their annual Corvette show
One of the awesome benefits of owning a Corvette is the ability to join one of thousands of Corvette clubs in existence around the globe and the chance to help those in need.
That’s exactly what the members of the North Coast Vettes Corvette club did in San Diego, California.
Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, the club decided that instead of holding their annual “Vettes for Veterans” Corvette show back in November of 2020, they would instead raise funds for veterans without the car show.
Raising an initial $9,000 on their own, and with additional matched funds from the Bob and Renee Parsons Foundation and the Easterday Family Foundation, they were able to raise a grand total of $33,000.
The money was distributed to the Semper Fi/Americas Fund of Camp Pendleton and the local Cal Diego chapter of Paralyzed Veterans of America.
Bravo North Coast Vettes! Well done!!
This year, the North Coast Vettes Corvette club is planning on holding their annual “Vettes for Veterans” Corvette show on November 6, 2021. If you live in the area and own a Corvette, we encourage you to stop by and help support this exceptional Corvette club and their cause!

About North Coast Vettes

From their website:
We were formed in 1978 by people who shared a common interest (their cars) and who wanted to have fun and participate in community functions. Since then, the club has grown to involve activities with clubs and organizations of various types: All directed toward using our cars for enjoyment by us individually, and as a group.
We like to think that our members are “Family”. While we enjoy many varied activities such as caravans to interesting destinations, participation in parades, car shows, interclub poker runs, brunches, parties, making new friends, car racing and supporting our charitable organizations by members donating time, energy and resources, we always keep in mind that most importantly, we joined the club to enjoy it.
Source: North Coast Vettes