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1953 Corvette - Serial #006 History Profile

1953 Corvette - Serial #006 History Profile

Last Update as of 2002-11-06:
Vehicle Identification Number: E53F001006
Engine Stamping: LAY310911
Casting Date: E213
Casting Number: 3701481
Current Owner: Sokoloff, Steven and Julie
Current Location: Ardmore, PA, USA
Current Mileage: 0 miles
Current Status: NA
  • 08-29-2019:  From Bill Kener via email:  "I'm am trying to locate the present owner of the 6th 1953 Corvette ever built. I had belonged to a car club in Wilmington Delaware,called Wilmington Automotive Activities. The club was started by William Du Pont, and Mr. DuPont gave us his 1953 Corvette S/N 006 ,along with a M-25 Cunningham sports car. We installed a 3 speed stick in the Corvette and drag raced it in E/Mp for a few years in the mid to late 60's. In the1970, some of the younger members removed the six banger and installed a 327 Chevy with a 4-speed. In 1971 Mr. DuPont passed on, and his wife kicked us out of the clubhouse, so she could sell the property. Those of us still in the WAA, sold the Corvette with all of the original engine and powerglide transmission so the car could be restored with all of the original matching numbers. We sold the Corvette for $3,800.00
    I have a picture of the car in it's drag racing form with the original 6 banger in it. I would like to contact the present owner to see if he would like a copy of the picture to keep with the history of the car,if possible."
  • 09-22-2002:  From Ron Anderson: "Originally owned by the Dupont family. Owner: Steven and Julie Sokoloff."

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