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1953 Corvette - Serial #056 History Profile

1953 Corvette - Serial #056 History Profile

Last Update as of 2009-10-08:
Vehicle Identification Number: E53F001056
Engine Stamping: NA
Casting Date: NA
Casting Number: NA
Current Owner: Pontius, Bob
Current Location: NA, WA, USA
Current Mileage: 0 miles
Current Status: Under Restoration

10-08-09:  From SebringBill"It's the only one with a metal hood. Saw it at SACC Flint in 2003, and confirmed it with the engineer who built it (George McGriff - also the young guy in the driver's seat of the "real" production line photo, as opposed to the more widely known "staged" photo). He rode in my 57 for the 50th Anniversary parade to the old plant and told me some good stories about the plant. He was the liasion between Parts Fabrication in Warren and the Flint plant; was taught fiberglass by Steve Koss (Parts Fab) and went back to Flint to teach the plant workers there. Steve was on the team that built not only the Motorama Corvette but also the fiberglass 52 Chevy conv that was inadvertantly rollover "tested" by an engineer's son. Steve was a personal friend (and his wife is still a client of mine)."

11-25-02:  Was recently listed in the publication "On Solid Ground" to attend the "Corvette's Real 50th Birthday Party" in Flint. Update:  "Owned by Bob Pontius of Washington State. Currently being restored." (per Noland Adams)

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