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1953 Corvette - Serial #062 History Profile

1953 Corvette - Serial #062 History Profile

Last Update as of 2003-09-17:
Vehicle Identification Number: E53F001062
Engine Stamping: NA
Casting Date: NA
Casting Number: NA
Current Owner: ProTeam Corvette
Current Location: Napoleon, OH, USA
Current Mileage: 0 miles
Current Status: For Sale

As per email from John and Diane:  "I am the 4th owner of this 55,000 mile NCRS Duntov Award winner, and have owned it since 1989."

From the November 1996 issue of VetteVues Magazine - page 35:

In August, 1980, John Clayton's fully-restored 1954 Corvette made the cover of Vette Vues Magazine. In the accompanying story, Clayton vowed to his wife, Diane, that it would be a long, long time before he undertook another restoration project. Depending on how "a long, long time" is defined, it could be said John honored his promise to Diane. It would be almost nine years before he would seriously search for another Corvette to resurrect; and, this time, it would be a '53.

The rush of a challenge could no longer be ignored so, in January 1989, John began, with Diane's acquiescence, to scout the country for a classic, unrestored Corvette. Eleven months later, in December 1989, the Claytons found what they were looking for - a 1953 Corvette, serial number 062. The car was on owner #3 when John traveled to Dallas to view it. He liked what he saw; an offer was made; and, within two weeks, the offer was accepted. By April 1990, the '53 was in Clayton's garage awaiting its renaissance. The car was disassembled, all parts were catalogued, and a complete inventory was taken. John verified that nearly everything on 062, including its engine, cylinder head, valve cover, ignition shielding, radiator, transmission, rear end, gauges, and radio were original parts. However, they were not in their original condition. Restoring all parts to "factory fresh" would take three years.

In 1991, the body and chassis were sent to Bob Ore Restorations (aka Qual Krom) in Erie, Pennsylvania. The chassis was stripped, cleaned, checked for proper calibration, rust-proofed, and reassembled. It was fitted with new coil springs, NOS shock absorbers, re-arced rear leaf springs, an exhaust system and new fuel and brake lines. The engine and transmission were completely rebuilt, painted to factory specifications and mated with the restored chassis. Likewise, the body received a full restoration...stripped, minor repairs, primer, paint, buff...and finally, in May 1993, re-mated with the restored drive train.

Final re-assembly began in earnest. As had been his habit with other restorations, Clayton called upon D.J. Hess of Winter Haven, Florida, to manage this phase. The Corvette came together in eight straight 12-hour days.

Having been awarded NCRS Top Flight and AACA National First Prize (Senior) Awards in 1995, John and Diane are setting new goals for this rare automobile. Winning the esteemed Duntov Mark of Excellence award at an NCRS National Meet is an immediate aspiration. They're also confident that their car has the "right stuff to earn Bloomington Gold.

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