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1961 Corvette Tech Center

1961 Corvette

Back in 1961...
The Corvette Shark showcar makes its first appearance at Road America in Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin.
C1 Corvette Forum
1961 Corvette Gulf Race Car: 1961 Chevrolet Corvette Gulf Race Car SCCA B-Production National Champion
Gallery: An online gallery of high quality 1961 Corvette pictures.
Identification: Learn how to identify a 1961 Corvette.
Identification: Light Bulbs - 1956 - 1962: A quick summary of Corvette light bulb identifiation numbers from 1956 to 1962.
Identification: Radios - 1956 - 1962: A quick summary of Corvette radio identifiation numbers from 1956 to 1962.
Identification / Serial Numbers: A quick summary of 1953 - 1962 Corvette serial and production numbers.
Knowledge Base: 1953 - 1962 Knowledge Base covers related service bulletins and technical information.
Latest News: The latest news and headlines including the 1953 - 1962 Corvette.
LOF Glass Date Codes: LOF Glass Date Codes for the 1953 - 1982 Corvettes.
MIRA - Vehicle Analysis: Report of the UK DMV written in July 1962. This report describes the state of a newly ordered 1961 Corvette as it arrived and how it performed during a 2,500 mile test period. The report contains interesting pictures of all the parts of the car (as new) including measurements and specifications. Note:  This is a 20 MB PDF document. Adobe PDF Document
Powertrains: A quick summary of Corvette powertrains from 1953 to 1962.
Production and Performance Numbers: Production and performance numbers for the 1961 Corvette.
Production - 1953 - 1962: This graph depicts Corvette production of the first generation from 1953 to 1962.
SAE Technical Paper: The following is a copy of a technical paper written by P.J. Passion for the Society of Automotive Engineers and highlights the building process of the 1961 Corvette. It was originally published in 1961.
Specifications: Specifications for the 1961 Corvette.
Specifications: Radiators: A quick summary of Corvette radiator specifications from 1953 to 1962.
Videos - C1 Corvettes: Videos C1 Corvette videos provided by our sister site -

1961 Corvette