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1981 Corvette Identification Numbers

Below, you can find Vehicle Identification Number, casting dates, casting numbers, and other information for identifying the 1981 Corvette.

VIN Tag Information
1G1AY8764BS400001 - 1G1AY8764BS431611 (St.Louis)
1G1AY8764B5100001 - 1G1AY8764B5108995 (B.Green)
Digit Definition
1st 1 = Nation Origin = US
2nd G = Manufacturer = GM
3rd 1 = Make/Type = Chevy/Passenger
4th Vehicle Restraint System:  A = Manual Belts, B = Automatic Belts, C = Air Bags
5th Y = Carline = Corvette
6th/7th 87 = Body Type = Corvette
8th 6 = Engine Type = L81
9th Check digit to verify VIN#
10th B = Model Year = 1981
11th Assembly Plant:  S = St. Louis, MO,  5 = Bowling Green, KY
Last 6 digits Production Number starting with 400001 and up.

Engine Suffix ID Numbers
ZDA: 350ci, 190hp (manual transmission)
ZDB: 350ci, 190hp (automatic transmission, California Emissions)
ZDC: 350ci, 190hp (manual transmission, California Emissions)
ZDD: 350ci, 190hp (automatic transmission)

Block ID Numbers
14010207: All Engines

Head ID Numbers
462624: 350ci, 190hp, Valve Size (in.) Intake/Exhaust:  1.94/1.50,  Combustion Chamber (cc.):  75.47

Cylinder Head Casting Number:

The cylinder head casting number is usually found on top of the cylinder head in between two valves and the rocker arm studs.

Cylinder Head Casting Date:
The cylinder head casting date is usually found adjacent to the cylinder head casting number. The casting date code is an alphanumeric sequenced number. The first digit is usually a letter which specifies the month that the block was cast. Some casting dates have been found with all digits being numbers, the first of which corresponds to the month.

Cylinder Head Casting Number Month Codes (1st Digit)
A - January E - May I - September
B - February F - June J - October
C - March G - July K - November
D - April H - August L - December

Two main plants were casting Chevrolet engine parts during 1972: Flint, Michigan and Tonawanda, New York.

Example:  Flint Cylinder Head Casting Number - D 19 9

  • D:  Month = April
  • 19:  Casting Day = 19th
  • 9:  Casting Year = 1959

Example:  Tonawanda Cylinder Head Casting Number - D 19 59

  • D:  Month = April
  • 19:  Casting Day = 19th
  • 59:  Casting Year = 1959

Alternator ID Numbers
1101075, 1101085, 1103088, 1103091, 1103103

Carburetor ID Numbers
Rochester Q-Jet #17081217: 350ci, 190hp (manual transmission)
Rochester Q-Jet #17081218: 350ci, 190hp (automatic transmission, California Emissions)
Rochester Q-Jet #17081228: 350ci, 190hp (automatic transmission)

Distributor ID Numbers
1103443: All Engines

Window Sticker:

Below is an example of a 1982 Corvette window sticker:

1981 Corvette Window Sticker - VIN 1G1AY8768BS424368