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1984 Corvette Identification Numbers

Below is a listing of VIN information and other identification numbers for the 1984 Corvette.

VIN Tag Information
1G1AY0782E5100001 - 1G1AY0782E5151547
Digit Definition
1st Nation of Origin:  1 = U.S.
2nd Manufacturer:  G = GM
3rd Make and Type:  1 = Chevrolet Passenger
4th Vehicle Restraint Sys:  A= Non-passive/Manual Belts
5th Carline/Series:  Y = Corvette
6th/7th Body Type:  07 = Corvette Coupe Hatchback
8th Engine:  8 = L83
9th Check digit to verify VIN correctly recorded.
10th Model Year:  E = 1984
11th Assembly Plant:  5 = Bowling Green, KY
Last 6 digits Production Number starting with 100001 and up.

Engine Suffix ID Numbers
ZFC: 350ci, 205hp (automatic transmission)
ZFD: 350ci, 205hp (manual transmission)
ZFF: 350ci, 205hp (automatic transmission, California emissions)
ZFH: 350ci, 205hp (export)
ZFJ: 350ci, 205hp (manual transmission, export)
ZFK: 350ci, 205hp (automatic transmission)
ZFL: 350ci, 205hp (manual transmission)
ZFM: 350ci, 205hp (automatic transmission, California emissions)
ZFN: 350ci, 205hp (manual transmission, California emissions)
ZFR: 350ci, 205hp (manual transmission, California emissions)

Alternator ID Numbers
1105513: 97 amp
1105450: 108 amp

Block ID Numbers
14010207: All Engines

Distributor ID Numbers
1103538: First Production
1103603: Second Production

Fuel Injection ID Numbers
17083055: Automatic
17083059: Manual

Head ID Numbers
462624: All Engines

Build Sheet:

Below is an example of a 1984 Corvette build sheet: