Below is a listing of VIN information and other identification numbers for the 1987 Corvette.
VIN Tag Information |
1G1YY2182H5100001 - 1G1YY2182H5130632 |
Digit |
Definition |
1st |
Nation of Origin: 1 = U.S. |
2nd |
Manufacturer: G = GM |
3rd |
Make and Type: 1 = Chevrolet Passenger |
4th |
Carline: Y = Corvette |
5th |
Carline/Series: Y = Corvette |
6th |
Body Type: 2 = Coupe Hatchback, 3 = Convertible |
7th |
Restraint System: 1 = Manual Belts |
8th |
Engine: 8 = L98 |
9th |
Check digit to verify VIN correctly recorded. |
10th |
Model Year: H = 1987 |
11th |
Assembly Plant: 5 = Bowling Green, KY |
Last 6 digits |
Production Number starting with 100001 and up. |
Engine Suffix ID Numbers |
ZJN: |
350ci, 240hp, (automatic transmission) |
ZLC: |
350ci, 240hp, (manual transmission, oil cooler) |
ZLA: |
350ci, 240hp, (automatic transmission, oil cooler) |
ZLB: |
Export |
Block ID Numbers |
14093638: |
All Engines |
Head ID Numbers |
14101128: |
All Engines |
Identification |
Service Parts Identificaton Label:
- Description: This label lists the VIN number, model code and Regular Production Option (RPO) codes used on the car.
- Location:
On the underside of the center console door between the seats.