Home Videos VIDEO: Chicken coop rescue for 1960 Corvette

VIDEO: Chicken coop rescue for 1960 Corvette

by Rob LoszewskiRob Loszewski
Jeff Taylor and his 1960 Corvette at his home in Hudson on Tuesday. Daily News and Wicked Local Photo/Dan Holmes

Jeff Taylor in Hudson made the barn find of a lifetime in 2012 when he found a forgotten and neglected 1960 Corvette under a sheet in a chicken coop. The car sat for 34 years until Taylor found it and spent a year getting it ready to go back on the road. The car is now a semi-rough looking but classic driver that Taylor wants to keep in its lived-in state. To read the full story about the car, see the Sunday, July 13 edition of the Daily News for the latest installment of “My Ride, My Story.”

Full Story: http://www.milforddailynews.com/article/20140713/NEWS/140718735/1994/NEWS

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