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Corvette Events

Corvette Events

Back to the Bricks / Corvette Reunion 2013: One of the largest Corvette events in the country Corvette Reunion takes place in conjunction with the Back to the Bricks Event in Flint, Michigan.
Black Hills Corvette Classic: The Black Hills Corvette Classic (BHCC) is the longest-running Corvette event in the nation. This annual event was started in 1971 by the Sioux Falls Corvette Club.
Bloomington Gold: Their Mission: "To provide a world class event centered around entertainment, knowledge and fun. To transend the changes of time an dpreserve the heritage of the Corvette. Where everyone has equal opportunity to be recognized for their participation and achievements directed towards the Corvette hobby. Where value and service are our motto!" This is one of the largest Corvette events in North America!
Corvettes at Carlisle: This is one of the largest annual Corvette events in the U.S. and is held near the end of August.
Corvettes Conquer Cancer: Their Mission: To be a significant contributor in the fight to conquer cancer by traveling to Corvette-related events, raising awareness of cancer detection, prevention and treatment, and raising money for the American Cancer Society's programs of patient services, public education and research.
CruiseFest: The Corvette Action Center's annual CruiseFest is our annual event for our members and guests. Each year we choose a central location across the United States that will give our members in that region the chance to meet one another, form new friendships, and renew old ones.
MY Garage Museum: View Mike Yagers Collection of Corvette and Volkswagen cars ranging from Movie Cars, Race Cars, Limited Edition Cars and much much more: web site.
National and Regional Events Forums: For the discussion of national and regional Corvette events.