Below is a listing of 2012 Corvette ZR1s that we currently have registered in the system.
Use the search box in the lower right hand corner of the table below by entering key words, or numbers to automatically locate the ZR1 you're looking for.
Note: Red serial number indicates a Pre-Production Corvette ZR1 otherwise known as a "Captured Test-Fleet" (CTF) Vehicle by GM. The CTF ZR1s were Manufacturing Validation Build Saleable vehicles that GM built to confirm both the manufacturing process and quality standards before dealer orders were accepted.
The Corvette Action Center does not have the resources to validate or confirm information provided to and for this Registry. Information provided in this Registry is as accurate as the information provided to us. It is not the intent of the Corvette Action Center to document fraudulent data, nor do we have the expertise to question beyond reason, information provided. The Corvette Action Center does due diligence to accurately document the 2009 - 2013 Corvette ZR1s listed in this Registry, but does not, nor will the Corvette Action Center advise, inspect or arbitrate information provided.