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3rd Annual Corvette Action Center CruiseFest 2006

CruiseFest 2005Once again, Bowling Green, Kentucky and the National Corvette Museum have been selected as the location for our third annual National CruiseFest to be held on June 1, 2 & 3, 2006.

Bowling Green, Kentucky is home of the Corvette and features the National Corvette Museum, GM Assembly Corvette Plant, and Beechbend Raceway. The headquarters for the event will be the Baymont Inn and Suites. The Baymont Inn is only 5 miles from the NCM and Corvette Plant, and they have hosted many Corvette club events in the past.

The yearly gathering of CAC members for Corvette-related social and technical activities continues this year when the Corvette Action Center Cruisefest returns to Bowling Green, Kentucky. Due to popular demand, we have chosen the National Corvette Museum to be the hub of Cruisefest 2006. There will be technical seminars, road tours combined with visits to local scenic and historical attractions, private tours of the NCM and the GM Assembly Plant, the People's Choice Car Show, and evening BBQ's, music and a Cruisefest Idol Contest at the Baymont Inn.


Click here to check out the agenda for this event!

Go Karting and Drag Racing will also be part of the lineup, and a local dyno shop will be available for the CAC group on Saturday.

CAC Cruisefest Sign-ins will begin in the afternoon on Thursday, June 1, as many members and caravans arrive at the Baymont Inn. You can relax and unwind Thursday night at the Baymont, participate in an evening dinner and boat tour of Lost River Cave with other members, or get together with the group for a night of Go Karting at Race World.

Friday and Saturday, technical and instructional events will center around the National Corvette Museum and the GM Assembly Plant. Private guided plant tours are scheduled for Friday; and private, guided tours of the NCM are scheduled for both Friday and Saturday.

CruiseFest 2005On Friday, Paul Koerner (aka C4C5Specialist) will be conducting technical seminars in the Chevrolet Theater of the NCM for C3's and C4's, followed by hands-on demonstrations outside.

If you would rather relax, take a scenic drive or visit some area landmarks, we have two scenic tours scheduled on Friday.

On Friday morning, enjoy a short scenic drive in your Vette to Diamond Caverns and tour the cathedral-like chambers to see the beautiful stalactites, stalagmites, and flowstone formations.

If you're feeling like a longer tour, come with us for a scenic cruise through some interesting Kentucky backroads to the Makers Mark Distillery. We'll depart from the NCM at lunchtime in our Vettes, and start with a group lunch in Bowling Green. Then we'll take a scenic cruise to the distillery and enjoy a tour and a visit to the gift shop, where you can dip your own bottle of Makers Mark Bourbon.

Friday evening kicks off at the Baymont with the legendary "BBQ at the Baymont", catered by Roscoe, the Legendary Forum Chef. After dinner, 67Heaven will be the Celebrity DJ, spinning “Fever's Favorites” under the tent and hosting the first ever CAC Cruisefest Idol eliminations. Or, get together after dinner with the drag racing crowd to watch or participate in the Friday Fun Drag Racing at Beech Bend Raceway.

For early risers, the day begins Saturday with a Sunrise Scenic Road Tour to Barren River Lake, starting with Breakfast at Bob Evans. The cruise will depart from the Baymont, and arrive back at the NCM.

If you prefer to skip the early cruise, then there are many events scheduled at the NCM on Saturday. There will be private, guided tours of the CorvetteMuseum, and Paul Koerner (C4C5Specialist) will be conducting technical seminars in the Chevrolet Theater of the NCM for C5's and C6's, following with hands-on demonstrations. Paul DeGuiseppi of the Mobile Air Conditioning Society will conduct a seminar on 1984-93 A/C Retrofit to R134a.

CruiseFest 2005You can have your car dyno'ed on Saturday for a very low fee at the HorsePower House, a Bowling Green dyno shop.

Following the Saturday seminars, tours, and morning cruise, it will be time to begin staging your car in the Center Circle of the NCM for the People's Choice Car Show and CAC Group Photo. We encourage everyone to bring your Vette to the front circle, regardless of whether you want your car to be judged. The People's Choice show is a lighthearted, fun and relaxed show which is judged by the Cruisefest Attendees, not by white-gloved professionals.

While the show is underway, enjoy a catered boxed lunch at the NCM, and then be sure to be present at noon for the CAC Cruisefest 2006 Group Photo. After that, turn in your ballots for the Car Show, have your photo taken of your vette in front of the NCM, and queue up for the afternoon scenic vette cruise and tour of The Shaker Museum. Or stick around the NCM for the C5 and C6 Modifications seminars.

After Saturday's activities, gather back at the Baymont to join your fellow CAC Members and forum staff for the CAC General Membership Meeting and Open Forum, hosted by Rob. There will be door prizes, Car Show Awards, and more. After that, stay for more tunes by 67Heaven, and the Cruisefest Idol Finals.

Sunday morning, be sure to pick up your Group and Individual Photos before departing the Baymont for the trip back home.

Hotel Reservations:
We have contracted with the Baymont Inn for a very good group price on a block of rooms for Cruisefest 2006. Individuals need to contact the Baymont to reserve their room. You will need to speak to someone locally in Bowling Green (not national reservations), and you will need to mention that you are with the Corvette Action Center Group. You need to mention that you need a room in the block of rooms that have been reserved, or they might inform you that all rooms have been booked. Contact the Baymont before May 1st to reserve your room.

CruiseFest 2005

Additional Area Attractions and Helpful Links: