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FAQ - 1981 Corvette L81 Vette Registry

L81 Corvette Registry

1981 Corvette Emblem What is the L81 Corvette Registry and why was it started?

The L81 Corvette Registry was started to keep a record of the remaining 1981 Chevrolet Corvettes. The registry was started, in part, because 1981 Corvettes are a little different the most other third generation (C3) 'vettes. 1981 Corvettes feature the L81 small block Chevrolet engine, which is controlled by one of the first applications of computer controls in Corvettes.

The L81 Corvette Registry is a non-profit organization where all work provided to maintain the web site and the organization is volunteer. Any revenue from web advertisements or merchandise is used to offset the cost of web servers and related expenditures.

1981 Corvette Emblem Why should I register my Corvette with the L81VetteRegistry??

Registering your 1981 Corvette with our registry is good because it provides a record to the world that your Corvette is still around. Furthermore, Chevrolet did not keep detailed records of specific RPO (Regular Production Offer) combinations in 1981. By adding your Corvette to our database, we can increase the sample size of 1981's and identify "rare" or unique combinations.

Finally, by joining the L81 Corvette Registry and becoming a member of our Forums, you can contribute and receive a wealth of helpful information about your Corvette. The L81 Registry is not just a list, but a community of dedicated Corvette enthusiasts.

1981 Corvette Emblem How do I register and what happens with the information I provide?

Registering is simple. You need to own a Chevrolet Corvette built in 1981 and know what options you have in it.

Personal information that you provide (except first name, last name, state of residence) is kept strictly confidential. Information about your Corvette (colors, options, etc) that you provide will be listed in the database for others to view. We will not provide any of your contact information to any other organization at anytime.

1981 Corvette Emblem Who runs the L81 Corvette registry?

The L81 Corvette Registry was originally founded by Bud Dougherty. After many years at the helm Bud decided to sell his 1981 Corvette and also pass the Registry torch along to someone new (see front page for full story).

1981 Corvette Emblem How can I help support the registry?

Great question! There are several ways you can do this. First, help spread the word about our registry to friends and fellow L81'ers! This is a simple, quick, and FREE way to support the registry. If you live in an area having many L81 owners, contact us about possibly setting up an outing! Finally, you can help offset the expenses of running this web site by purchasing some items from our online store! We sell only high quality items that you surely would enjoy owning, not to mention that everything features the L81 Corvette Registry logo!

The Corvette Action Center does not have the resources to validate or confirm information provided to and for this Registry. Information provided in this Registry is as accurate as the information provided to us. It is not the intent of the Corvette Action Center to document fraudulent data, nor do we have the expertise to question beyond reason, information provided. The Corvette Action Center does due diligence to accurately document the Corvettes listed in this Registry, but does not, nor will the Corvette Action Center advise, inspect or arbitrate information provided.